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The connection between Les Misérables and Pumasi
재밌게읽었습니다 ㅎㅎ 빵이라니 아주 재밌는 적용이네요ㅎㅎㅎ 참고로 레미제라블 원문에서 빵은 ‘le pain’ 이라고 쓰입니다ㅋㅋ
Interesting read 🙂 That's a very interesting application of bread.
For reference, in the original Les Misérables, bread is called "le pain" lol.
See lessHow do I want my token generation event (TGE) to go?
1. creating a bridge for LESMI token is a good idea, although Solana chain is the most active, I agree with the idea that memes are coming, so I'm in favor of diversifying the chains. 2. In the case of TGE, there are still tons of tokens being issued and a lot of blind money being rug-pulled, and I don't think we can just watch. However, personal participation is good, but I think it would be good if it is done in batches through small-scale financing. How to distribute a certain amount of % as a community development fund when successful! 3. However, I think the criteria for selecting participants should be qualified.Read more
1. creating a bridge to the LESMI token is a good idea, although the Solana chain is the most active, I agree with the idea that memes are coming, so I'm in favor of diversifying the chains.
2. In the case of TGE, there are still tons of tokens being issued and a lot of blind money being rug-pulled, and I don't think we can just watch. However, personal participation is good, but it would be good if it is done in batches through small-scale financing. How to distribute a certain amount of % as a community development fund upon success!
3. but I think the criteria for selecting participants should have qualifications. It would be nice if the event was organized for Pumash.com participants or LESMI owners.
I think you have to have a certain amount of points on Fumash.com, or have a LESMI, or somehow qualify as a community user.
If you are a LESMI holder, but your community activity is low, it would be good to create a public account and send a small amount of LESMI to prove it. (Promote LESMI demand) Also, if it accumulates over a period of time, it can be used as a community development fund!
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씨앗님이 예시하셨던 것들 다루면 좋겠네요 시황 기술적인 분석방법 뉴스정리 그외 투자방법 모두 필요해 보입니다!
씨앗님이 예시하셨던 것들 다루면 좋겠네요
기술적인 분석방법
그외 투자방법 모두 필요해 보입니다!
See lessWhat do you think about lucid dreaming?
저도 비슷한 경험을 한적이 있습니다. 분명 꿈속임을 인지하고 제가 원하는대로 행동한적이 있습니다 그런데 요즘에는 나이가 들어서 그런지 피곤해서 인지 자각몽을 꾼 기억이 없네요 슬프네요. ㅎㅎ
I had a similar experience once. I realized that I was definitely dreaming, and I was able to get the
I've taken action
But lately, I don't remember having lucid dreams because I'm getting older and tired.
That's sad, haha.
See lessCan people move beyond polarization and live together?
I very much agree with your point that new media such as YouTube provides information that was not available in the past, but algorithms are making us more narrow-minded, and what drives us as a species is called 'conviction', where we become convinced of something, and when that conviction becomes too strong, we become aggressive towards those who hold opposing views. This phenomenon is repeated in society, and we become very isolated from each other. At ThePumasi.com, we believe that posing questions rather than beliefs is the answer to this, because if the world is a cloudyRead more
I very much agree with your point that new media such as YouTube provide information that was not available in the past, but algorithms are leading to more narrow-minded views,
What drives us as a species is called "conviction," where we become convinced of something.
When that belief becomes so entrenched, it can lead to aggression toward those who think differently.
It's happening over and over again in society, and we're becoming very isolated from each other.
ThePumasi.com Putting questions over beliefs on this website seems to be the answer to this.
Because if you see the world as a clouded mirror, it won't change no matter how much you try to change it, but if you clean the mirror and the windows of your mind, the world will start to look different.
This chaos requires flexible thinking.
We sincerely hope that our little flap of wings on this website will create a big wind in the world and bring peace.
Thank you for your question.
See lessWhy I'm more inclined to like kimchi and other surging altcoins
제 개인적인 생각으로는 비트는 장기투자를 기본적인 태도로 접근해야하는데 1. 가격이 너무 높고 2. 하락장이 왔을 때 사서 분할매수하며 불장까지 홀딩해야 하는데 하락장이 왔을때는 투자에 대한 마음의 여유가 없고 3. 불장 초입 또는 불장에서는 비트는 이미 많이 오른 상태인지라 아직 시세가 크게 분출되지 않은 잡코인에 더 매력을 느껴지기 때문에 항상 지나고 나면 비트 사야지 라는 마음을 갖다가도 잡코인에 눈이 가는듯 합니다
In my opinion, bitcoin should be approached as a long-term investment with a basic attitude.
1. the price is too high
2. you have to buy when the market is down, split it, and hold it until the market is up, but when the market is down, you don't have the peace of mind to invest.
3. at the beginning of the market, or fire sale, the bitrate has already risen a lot, so the market is more attracted to cryptocurrencies that have not yet exploded.
I always seem to be tempted to buy bitcoin after a while, but then my eyes are drawn to jobcoin.
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