You usually fall asleep and don't recognize it as a dream,
I was curious about this when I was around 6 years old, so whenever I fell asleep, I would focus on it and become aware of it so that I would know it was a dream.
Once the dream became lucid, anything could be consciously achieved.
Has anyone else experienced lucid dreaming or have any thoughts on it?
It's a dream, and I've woken up many times realizing it.That's how you log out, haha.
I've never experienced it, but it's a little scary, lol.
I'm usually scared of things I've never experienced before.
But there are plenty of hints of life in the experience.
I had a similar experience once. I realized that I was definitely dreaming, and I was able to get the
I've taken action
But lately, I don't remember having lucid dreams because I'm getting older and tired.
That's sad, haha.
Doing so in real life will help you achieve more of what you want...!
May your sorrow be transformed into a deeper joy.