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ThePumasi.com Latest Questions
How did the Les Misérables token come about? And how do you hope to see it used in the future?
What to do when you first arrive
The political arena has become very polarized lately. Whether you're talking to the far right or the far left, there's a lack of understanding of the other side. but rather a one-sided belief that what they know is true and their logic is wrong that what they know is true and the other side's logic is wrong. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the development of technology, such as YouTube and social media, which allows people to share their interests and enjoyment...
Why are we more inclined to bet on Jobo or Kimchi? Why do we reach for Jobko even though we know from experience that majors like Bit Ether have more upside in the end...? Is it a herbal psychology problem
Is there a type of content that you would like to see produced more often while using Pumash? Market analysis, technical concepts, news summaries, various investment methods, etc. I'm curious to know what you look for and value most often.
Usually when I fall asleep and dream, I don't recognize it as a dream, I was curious about this around the age of 6, so I focused on being able to recognize that I was dreaming in my dreams whenever I fell asleep, and I became aware. Once my dreams became lucid, I was able to consciously accomplish anything. I was wondering if anyone has experienced lucid dreaming or has any thoughts on it...